
Find out about our prices

Our packages and prices

If you intend to stay less than one month, contact us on our mail box.

Room with access to the kitchen 630€/month

Accommodation : A bedroom either located on the outside or the inside of the apartment of the family.

Meals : Without meals- Access to the kitchen.

Contact with the family : Minimal, even though the family will be happy to share some time with you and welcome you.

Student profile : + 18 years old, independent profile; 2 in the same family : -5%

Bed and breakfast with access to the kitchen 690€/month

Accommodation : Room in the apartment or house of the family with access to the kitchen and the bathroom.

Meals : Breakfast 7 / 7 days, not necessarily with the family; according to their schedule.

Contact with the family : As you wish - Rather for independent profile.

Student profile : + 18 years old , rather independent ; 2 in the same family : -5%

Bed and breakfast + 3 dinners/week with the family 795€/month

Accommodation : Room in the apartment or house of the family with access to the kitchen and the bathroom.

Meals : Breakfast 7 / 7 days + 3 dinners per week (days to be determined with the family) 

Contact with the family : A good balance between independence and contact with the family.

Student profile : + 18 years old, looking for a real contact with a family, while at the same time seeking freedom in his or her schedule ; 2 in the same family : -5%

Bed and breakfast + 5 dinners/week with the family 850€/month

Accommodation : Room in the apartment or house of the family with access to the kitchen and the bathroom.

Meals : Breakfast 7 / 7 days + 5 dinners per week - Most of the time diners take place from Monday to Friday and you are independent during week-ends.

Contact with the family : Maximum 

Student profile : +18 years old, looking for a real contact and full integration into the family ; 2 in the same family : -5%

Bed and breakfast + 7 dinners/week with the family 910€/month

Accommodation : A bedroom in the apartment or house of the family. Access to the kitchen and the bathroom.

Meals : Breakfast 7 / 7 days + 7 dinners per week with the family

Contact with the family : Maximum 

Student profile : + 18 years old, looking for a real contact and full integration into the family ; Minors : +5% ; 2 in the same family : - 5%